Full sun for most of the front yard
Picture from Google Street View in 2022

Dec 2023 – Beginning of the front yard project to eliminate the lawn.

Pictures from Jan 2024

Font Yard Plant List – California Natives
- Abutilon palmeri (Indian Mallow)
- Ceanothus (Conchita)
- Ceanothus (Centennial)
- Ceanothus (Valley Violet)
- Island Snapdragon (Boca Rosa)
- Lupine (Cobb Mountain)
- Manzanita (Austin Griffiths)
- Manzanita (Big Sur)
- Manzanita (Brother James)
- Manzanita (Louis Edmunds)
- Manzanita (Pacific Mist)
- Manzanita (Franciscan)
- Manzanita (Wood’s Compact)
- Manzanita (Massachusetts)
- MonkeyFlower (Burst, Jellybean)
- Sage (Bee’s Bliss)
- Sage (Alpine)
- Sage (Rose)
- Western RedBud
Font Yard Plant List – NON – California Natives
- Boxwood
- Bush Germander – (Teucrium fruticans)
- Cape Honeysuckle (Tecomaria capensis)
- Carpet Rose (White)
- Catmint (Purrsian, Jr. Walker’s Low)
- Crape Myrtle (Summerlasting Coconut – Dwarf)
- Cuphea (Vermillionaire, Starfire Pink)
- Fortnight Lily
- Lavender (English)
- Lavender (Ghostly Princess)
- Lotus berthelotii (Parrot’s Beak)
- Maple Tree (Autumn Blaze)
- Olive Tree
- Roses planted (Sultry Night, Julia Child, Mr. Lincoln)
- Roses in pots (Ebb Tide, Twilight Zone)
- Sage (Marine Blue)
- Salvia chiapensis
- Salvia (African Sky)
- Salvia microphylla (Heatwave Blaze)