Valley Violet Ceanothus

This plant is no longer. I noticed that it started to turn dull green and leaves curled inwards. It died completely about 2 weeks after that. One thing to note is that empty spot in neighbors yard now has a crispy dead plant in it. Makes me think whatever killed that plant also took mine out…..but it’s hard to say.

The Popcorn is about 2 feet away and is fine, showing no signs of anything and they were all on the same water schedule.

In the end, it seems like it would not fit well there anyway. I just added a coffee berry on that fence and also the Alum Root is huge now and might need to be moved in winter.

I did buy a replacement that I’m going to put into the ground in a few weeks; October planting season.

Planted 7/12/24

Alum Root Maxima for scale