
I wrote this library file to update SSL certs and keys on A10 load balancers when I was working as a Sr. Network Engineer with Linkedin. This is just a small part of the overall code that is not specific to their environment and is generic enough to publish.

import requests
import getpass
import sys
import re
import os

A10 API Library Calls

def get_ldap():
    print "\nPlease enter your LDAP password for InCerts"
    ldap = getpass.getpass()
    return ldap

def get_tacacs():
    print "\nPlease enter your Tacacs password for login to A10"
    tacacs = getpass.getpass()
    return tacacs

def get_a10_ip(a10_host):
    f = os.popen("host {0}.yourdomain.com | awk '{{print $4}}' " .format(a10_host))
    a10_ip = f.read().strip()
    return a10_ip

def get_sessionid(a10_host, script_user, tacacs):

        # Grab the session ID via Requests
        session_id_data = requests.get("https://" + a10_host + "/services/rest/V2/?" + "method=authenticateusername={0} password={1} format=json"
                                       .format(script_user, tacacs), verify=False).json()
    except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
        print "\nThis vip is not reachable via desktop due to ACL's, please run from netops box"

    # Format the command url for future API calls
    command_url = "https://" + a10_host + "/services/rest/V2/?" + "session_id=" + session_id_data['session_id']

    return command_url

def find_ssl_port(command_url, vip):

    # Search for a specific VIP and read JSON so we can grab data easily
    vip_data = requests.get(command_url + "format=json method=slb.virtual_server.search name=" + vip, verify=False).json()

    # Grab all of the ports configured on the vip
    vip_vport_list = vip_data['virtual_server']['vport_list']

    # check to see if https is configured on vip, client_ssl_template is a unique attribute for https
    for i in vip_vport_list:
        if 'client_ssl_template' in i:
            ssl_port_info_dict = i

        port = ssl_port_info_dict.get('port', "default value")
        service_group = ssl_port_info_dict.get('service_group', "default value")
        ssl_port_info = [port, service_group]
        return ssl_port_info

    except NameError:
        print "\nhttps is not currently defined on the vip, please configure https and run again.\n"

def get_incerts(incerts_id, ldap):

    # If click option was not used to provide ID, prompt the user for URL
    if incerts_id is None:
        # extract the CERT ID from the URL pasted into JIRA ticket
        incerts_url_id = raw_input("\nPlease paste in the incerts URL to download CERT/KEY\n")

        # strip the ID from the URL
        id = incerts_url_id.split("/")
        incerts_id = id[-3]

        incerts_json = requests.get('https://xxx.corp.xxx.com/api/v1/certificate/download/?id=' + incerts_id, auth=(getpass.getuser(), ldap)).json()

        print "\nYour LDAP password is incorrect or you are not authorized to use incerts\n"

        # Assign the variables from the JSON structure
        ssl_cert = incerts_json["certificates"][0]["certificate"]
        chain_cert = incerts_json["certificates"][0]["intermediate_certificate"]
        private_key = incerts_json["certificates"][0]["key"]
        ssl_password = incerts_json["certificates"][0]["password"]

        ssl_files = [ssl_cert, chain_cert, private_key, ssl_password]
        return ssl_files

    except KeyError:
        print "There was a problem downloading from incerts"

def query_yes_no(san_question, default="no"):
    valid = {"yes": True, "y": True, "yes": True,
             "no": False, "n": False}
    if default is None:
        prompt = " [y/n] "
    elif default == "yes":
        prompt = " [Y/n] "
    elif default == "no":
        prompt = " [y/N] "
        raise ValueError("invalid default answer: '%s'" % default)

    while True:
        sys.stdout.write(san_question + prompt)
        choice = raw_input().lower()
        if default is not None and choice == '':
            return valid[default]
        elif choice in valid:
            return valid[choice]
            sys.stdout.write("Please respond with 'yes' or 'no' "
                             "(or 'y' or 'n').\n")

def import_certs(my_path, command_url):

    method = "method=slb.ssl.upload"
    listing = os.listdir(my_path)
    for infile in listing:
        cert = open(my_path + infile, "r")
        for i in cert:
            if "BEGIN CERTIFICATE" in i:
                type = "crt"
                params = {'file': open(my_path + infile, 'rb')}
            elif "BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY" in i:
                type = "key"
                params = {'file': open(my_path + infile, 'rb')}
            elif "BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY" in i:
                type = "key"
                params = {'file': open(my_path + infile, 'rb')}
                type = "none"
        if type == "crt":
            request = str(command_url + "and" + method.__str__() + "type=certificate")
        elif type == "key":
            request = str(command_url + "and" + method.__str__() + "type=key")

            requests.post(request, files=params, verify=False)

            print "error with " + infile

def find_ssl_template(command_url, vip):

    # search for a specific VIP and return JSON
    vip_data = requests.get(command_url + "format=json method=slb.virtual_server.search name=" + vip, verify=False).json()

    # Grab JSON all of the ports configured on the vip
    vip_vport_list = vip_data['virtual_server']['vport_list']

    # Loop through list and create a new dictionary when condition is found
    for i in vip_vport_list:
        if 'client_ssl_template' in i:
            ssl_port_info_dict = i

    for k, v in ssl_port_info_dict.items():
        if k == 'client_ssl_template':
            existing_template_name = v

    return existing_template_name

def build_clientssl_template(command_url, ssl_template_name, ssl_cert, chain_cert, private_key):

    r = requests.get(command_url + "method=slb.template.client_ssl.create name=" + ssl_template_name + "cert_name=" + ssl_cert +
                                   "chain_name=" + chain_cert + "key_name=" + private_key, verify=False)

    return r.text

def find_client_ssl_items(command_url, existing_template_name):

    # Build the URL needed to search for a specific Client SSL Template --> Return XML
    ssl_template = requests.get(command_url + "method=slb.template.client_ssl.search name=" + existing_template_name, verify=False)

    existing_cert_match = re.search(r"<cert_name>(.+?)<", ssl_template.text)
    existing_chain_match = re.search(r"<chain_name>(.+?)<", ssl_template.text)
    existing_key_match = re.search(r"<key_name>(.+?)<", ssl_template.text)

    existing_cert = existing_cert_match.group(1)
    existing_chain = existing_chain_match.group(1)
    existing_key = existing_key_match.group(1)

    ssl_items = [existing_cert, existing_chain, existing_key]

    return ssl_items

def export_ssl_items(command_url, backup_path, ssl_items):

    ssl_cert = requests.get(command_url + "method=slb.ssl.download type=certificate file_name=" + ssl_items[0], verify=False)
    ssl_cert_file = backup_path + ssl_items[0]

    f = open(ssl_cert_file, 'w')

    ssl_chain = requests.get(command_url + "method=slb.ssl.download type=certificate file_name=" + ssl_items[1], verify=False)
    ssl_chain_file = backup_path + ssl_items[1]

    f = open(ssl_chain_file, 'w')

    ssl_key = requests.get(command_url + "method=slb.ssl.download type=key file_name=" + ssl_items[2], verify=False)
    ssl_key_file = backup_path + ssl_items[2]

    f = open(ssl_key_file, 'w')

def find_duplicate_templates(command_url, existing_ssl_template):

    # Grab all the vips configured on the load balancer
    vips = requests.get(command_url + "method=slb.virtual_server.getAll format=json", verify=False).json()

    # find how many vips we have configured so we can search each vip element individually
    vip_count = len(vips['virtual_server_list'])
    vip_count -= 1

    # Initilize list so we can append below
    ssl_template_list = []

    # Search through vip vport_list elements digging for Template information
    while vip_count >= 0:
        vip_vport_list = vips['virtual_server_list'][vip_count]['vport_list']
        vip_count -= 1

        for i in vip_vport_list:
            if 'client_ssl_template' in i:
                port_info_dict = i

                var = port_info_dict.get("client_ssl_template")

    if existing_ssl_template in ssl_template_list:
        print "Found another vip using the old SSL template, leaving old template in place"

        # no other vips using this template so it is safe to delete the old template
        requests.get(command_url + "method=slb.template.client_ssl.deletename=" + existing_ssl_template, verify=False)

def get_healthcheck_contents(command_url, vip, service_group):

    service_group_data = requests.get(command_url + "format=json method=slb.service_group.search name=" + service_group, verify=False).json()

    # Grab a Real Server, the first member is fine since service groups are unique to a port
    real_server = service_group_data['service_group']['member_list'][0]['server']

    real_server_data = requests.get(command_url + "method=slb.server.search name=" + real_server + "format=json", verify=False).json()

    port_list = real_server_data['server']['port_list']

    counter = len(port_list)

    while counter > 0:
        counter -= 1
        health_check = port_list[counter].get('health_monitor')

    if 'default' not in health_check:

        health_search_data = requests.get(command_url + "method=slb.hm.search name=" + health_check, verify=False)

            # no url field if the port is TCP!!
            health_check_find = re.search(r"<url>(.+?)<", health_search_data.text)
            expect_find = re.search(r"<expect><pattern>(.+?)<", health_search_data.text)

            health_check_string = health_check_find.group(1)
            expect = expect_find.group(1)

            health_check_list = health_check_string.split(" ")
            del health_check_list[0]

            health_check = health_check_list[0]

            health_monitor = health_check, expect

            return health_monitor

        except AttributeError:
            print "There was no healthcheck found configured on the real servers\n"